
Ladies can be a Hero

Ladies can be a Hero

Ladies can be a Hero [KGVID height="270"]https://bbcpersia.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ghah.mov[/KGVID] Ladies can be a Hero For as long as I can remember, I’ve relied on the inspirational company of heroes. When I was in grade school. I read…

How to Live a Happy Life

How to Live a Happy Life

How to Live a Happy Life [KGVID]https://bbcpersia.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/madar.mov[/KGVID] How to Live a Happy Life in US. We all want to learn how to live a happy life. I know I’ve been in pursuit of a happy life…

independent lifestyle

Independent lifestyle

Independent lifestyle ADVOCACY: One of the core services provided by Independent Lifestyles is advocacy on behalf of individuals with disabilities, their families, and care givers. There are a wide variety of situations in which Independent…

Dance in Health and Well being

Dance in Health and Well being

Dance in Health and Well being [KGVID]https://bbcpersia.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/raghs.mp4[/KGVID] Dance in Health and Well being partnership between One Dance UK and People Dancing. Our Vision: Reducing health inequalities and tackling inactivity through dance. Dance has a significant part…


Tourism in Netherlands

Tourism in Netherlands

Tourism is an integral part of Netherlands. [KGVID poster="https://bbcpersia.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/خارجی-که-به-ایران-اومده_thumb4223.jpg"]https://bbcpersia.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/دختر-خارجی-که-به-ایران-اومده.mp4[/KGVID] Tourism has contributed a lot to the economy of Netherlands. North Holland and South Holland are the famous provinces in Netherlands for Tourism. NTBC which is…

ویدیوی ادعایی داعش از داخل مجلس ایران

حمله به مجلس ایران و آرامگاه آیت‌الله خمینی

دو حمله مسلحانه تقریبا همزمان به مجلس ایران و آرامگاه آیت‌الله خمینی انجام شده گروه داعش مسئولیت این حملات را به عهده گرفته است مهاجمان به مجلس به کلاشنیکف و کلت مسلح بودند [KGVID width="400"…

Online Car Insurance Quote

Online Car Insurance Quote

Online Car Insurance Quote [flowplayer id="924"] Online Car Insurance Quote If you’ve ever used the Internet to get an online car insurance quote. You probably answered dozens of questions before being given a price. If…