Music Festival Koln
Music Festival Koln Basic music.
theory is important to learn if you want to understand how music works.
Learning this information can help you play, compose, and appreciate all forms of music. Some musicians learn to read notes on a musical scores, while others learn by listening to their favorite songs and figuring out the notes on their respective instrument by ear. Both methods can benefit from learning the theory of the scales and chords that are woven into all the music we enjoy.
Major scales – Knowing major scales is like knowing your multiplication tables in math.
They take a while to learn (though there are only 12) and apply in one way or another to many different aspects of basic music theory from building chords to intervals and eventually chord progression analysis. Here is an outline of how they’re structured which is a simply a series of half and whole steps.
Minor scales – These scales come from a similar structure as major scales but start on a different note, and result in a much darker or even sadder quality. Here are the three common types of minor scales and their various uses.
Music intervals – This is the term to describe the distance between 2 notes. Each distance has it’s own name which is derived from the major scale. It is beneficial to musicians and composers to be able to identify intervals in notated music and/or by just hearing them.