Hospital Alcohol Detox

Hospital Alcohol Detox

Hospital Alcohol Detox in Europe.

Most people who drink alcohol have drank too much at one time or another and experienced a hangover. A hangover is the result of alcohol overindulgence; symptoms often include headache, nausea, vomiting, and overall malaise. In most cases, these symptoms pass in a few hours to a day. Alcohol withdrawal occurs after a person has become dependent on alcohol. It involves the body’s reaction to losing a chemical – alcohol – which it has become accustomed to having in its system.

For those who are addicted to alcohol, withdrawal can be incredibly dangerous and may bring life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. As a result, medical detox is always required for alcohol withdrawal. Individuals who are addicted to alcohol should never attempt to detox on their own. Medical supervision is always needed. In addition to the health complications that may occur as a result of detox, relapse is highly likely since returning to alcohol can often put an end to the uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms of withdrawal.

Hospital Alcohol Detox Moderation or abstinence are treatment options if you’re:

  • regularly drinking more than 14 units a week
  • experiencing health problems directly related to alcohol
  • unable to function without alcohol (alcohol dependency)

Cutting alcohol out completely will have a greater health benefit. However, moderation is often a more realistic goal, or at least a first step on the way to abstinence.

Ultimately, the choice is yours, but there are circumstances where abstinence is strongly recommended, including if you:

  • have liver damage, such as liver disease or cirrhosis
  • have other medical problems, such as heart disease, that can be made worse by drinking
  • are taking medication that can react badly with alcohol, such as antipsychotics
  • are pregnant or planning to become pregnant

Abstinence may also be recommended if you’ve previously been unsuccessful with moderation.

If you choose moderation, you’ll probably be asked to attend further counseling sessions so your progress can be assessed, and further treatment and advice can be provided if needed.