Financial Trading Courses

Financial Trading Courses

Financial Trading Courses

Financial Trading Courses is here.

Professional Traders can find work on both the “buy” side of the street, with investment management firms, pension funds and other institutional investors, and on the “sell” side of the street, in the trading department of investment dealers and banks. They can also be self-employed, particularly if they deal in options or futures or trade their own capital.

Traders place orders in equity, fixed income and money market securities. They may also be licensed to trade in futures, options and foreign exchange. They may execute trades in the over-the-counter (OTC) markets, or become registered to trade on the major public exchanges.

The job calls for confidence, quick thinking and an ability to thrive in a high-pressure environment. Professional Traders who trade through an exchange must have a detailed understanding of exchange and firm rules, regulations and procedures.

  • Execute client or employer orders in a timely manner.
  • Provide their firm and its sales force with timely information about market conditions.
  • Maintain a fair and orderly market trading stocks designated to them.
  • This course is awesome for anyone interested in learning about the biases that get in the way of making trading and investment decisions.Human biases such as aversion to losses, hindsight bias and availability bias typically lead to costly investment mistakes which can be avoided if you know what to look out for. This course will teach you how to master your own worst enemy when it comes to trading – yourself!You will learn:
    • How to make better trading and investment decisions
    • How to master your emotions to make winning trades
    • Crucial models like law of small numbers, feedback loops and the black swan
    • Crucial models like margin of safety, availability bias and circle of competence.